Tuesday, 2 June 2020

COVID-19 UPDATE at June 2nd

We are continuing to work towards rescheduling as many of our 2020 rides as possible. Details of those rides with confirmed new dates can be found on our homepage.

The New Forest and Suffolk Coast rides, due to take place this month, have still to find new dates but we hope to be able to announce these soon.

We're also working to reschedule the Tour de Tendring, Essex Castle, London to Southend, London to Cambridge and London to Windsor rides and hope also to be able to announce new dates for these rides soon.

Please note that the Manchester 100 ride, due to take place in September, will now be held in Spring 2021, on a date as yet to be confirmed.

If you have already registered for any of the rescheduled rides, your place will be automatically transferred to the new date. If you are unable to attend on the new date, you can transfer your place to another rider - please see the relevant ride page for details of how to do this.

We hope to resume online and postal registration shortly and will notify all riders on our mailing list when we do so.